Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) is a concept developed by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) to eradicate poverty, protecting the planet and ensuring prosperity for all people. Collectively, there are 17 sustainable goals mutually agreed to be focused on to meeting the objectives of the conception by 2030. The image below shows all those 17 goals.
The question is how many organizations are seriously contemplating to oblige to the UN's SDG?
Are we, the business owners, board members and executives really keen to allocate a portion of financial resources into meeting the goals? First of all, have we even thought of incorporating the goals in our existing business policies? Could the amount of finance allocated to meet this goals be transformed into
projected return? If not, why bother to inject precious money which is pooled to bring handsome return to shareholders in reasonable span of time? We know that any satisfactory investment return of green-investment takes a longer time to recover as opposed to other equity investment.
In understanding this picture, the source of many green-investment originates from the support of either state or government of concerning countries. One good example is the following short story of such narration.

In the picture preceding this paragraph, there are 3 portions of images; the top , middle and bottom.
The top images which depicts the objectives of the program that is, to drive new behaviour and understanding of the importance of recycling. This programme is made possible with Nestle's partnership collaboration.
Together, they have come out with measures of 'Door-to-Door Collection and Recycling Programme' of household waste recycling. This is displayed in the middle paragraph of the image above. The measures are targeted to re-process or upcycle all collected recyclable items into secondary material or product. Those non-recyclables are targeted for co-process to waste-to-energy conversions into Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF); which is a type of fuel used in substitute of fossil fuel in coal and natural gas power plants.
Nevertheless, such measures have not been tied to any figures or quantification that could be used as a milestone of achievement. An example of quantified figure may look like, to achieve 5% or 6% target of RDF conversion rate. It is essential to tie the numbers.
The bottom paragraph of the image above shows the target's initiatives. The initiatives are further stripped down in image shown below. Detail instructions pertaining the initiatives is very comprehensive.
At least, the local town council had already began to commit to UNGA's goals, how about the local SME?
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